Thursday, April 30, 2009

Signature Analysis: It only happens in my signature!

Any stroke that only happens in your signature has special significance.

Your signature is very personal, so a stroke that happens only there applies to you on a very personal level.

If it is in your first name, it's you, the individual.

If it is in your last name, it applies to your family (whether biological family or created family)

So take a good look at your signature compared to the rest of your writing to notice any unique strokes in the signature, then read up on your handwriting analysis to work out what these strokes mean.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What happens when I change my name?

Whether you change your name because you are getting married and have decided to take your husband's name, or changing it for some other reason, provided you are happy with the new name, it will show the same qualities as your previous name.

Obviously some letters show specific things, and if you had a great many lower case "t"s in your previous name and none in your new name, then the qualities shown only in the lower case "t" would not be evident in your new name. This doesn't mean you don't have them any more, it just means the appropriate letter is not there, so those qualities cannot be evaluated from your new signature.

If you are unhappy with your new name, or if you were unhappy with your old name (say it was your spouse's surname and you are very happy to no longer be married) then you can expect to see that change. Happy in upslanting writing, unhappy in downslanting writing. Occasionally a score through the name you didn't like, in the form of a flourish or extended t-bar.

But even so, the basic personality will still be the same.

For more on signatures and what they tell you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Small capitals in signature

What does it mean when someone's signature has noticeably small capitals?

It is an indication of modesty. This writer does not seek the limelight. S/he may like to be in the center of things, knowing what is going on (this will show if their signature is in the middle of the page) but they don't want to be noticed and attract attention.

Of course, there is what is called "false modesty" - someone who really longs for attention but pretends they don't.

The real person shows in the body of the writing, the signature just shows how the person wants to be seen. So if the body of the writing is more flamboyant, attention seeking, with a modest signature, you will know that the modesty is not real and that this writer has, for some reason, decided to look as though they want to be low key, when in reality they seek recognition and attention.

More on Signatures.