Sunday, December 28, 2008

Diplomacy: does it show in your signature?

Diplomacy - or lack of it - shows in writing in general, and will be just as obvious in a signature.

Natural diplomacy shows when the writing become increasingly smaller as the word, or line of writing goes on. But only if the writing also continues to be as legible at the end as it is at the start.

Signatures that start with a couple of letters you can read then disintegrate into a mess of squiggles, or just a long line, do not show diplomacy.

Another indication of diplomacy is the upper case M or N which gets smaller as it goes towards the right.

The absense of one trait does not mean the presence of it's opposite. So the absense of diplomacy does not mean tactless. There is a separate stroke that shows a lack of tact.

A lack of diplomacy, or bluntness, shows where there are no "lead in" strokes, where, when the pen is first put on the page, the writer gets right into the main part of the letter s/he is writing, without a curvy or straight line leading into it.

This is the person who is likely to put their foot in their mouth rather often.

So if the writer of the signature you are examining goes right into their name with no messing about, expect them to do the same with any topic they choose to discuss!

Good communication skills can help you in any area of life.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Honesty: in a signature or anywhere

Honesty is easy to spot in writing - so is dishonesty.

Of course, in handwriting analysis all things work together to make the whole personality just as it does in life, but there is one specific stroke that shows when you perhaps have to be more careful as to how much trust you put in what you are being told.

I have posted a Mini-Quiz on honesty, and although the example is not in a signature, it will show exactly the same in signatures.

Go to the mini-quiz and just scroll down the home page a very short way to find it.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Free Signature Analysis Quiz

I have written a free Signature Analysis Quiz for you.

Just sign up for free, and access the quiz to find out more about what your signature reveals.

(Great for analyzing the signatures on all your incoming Christmas, birthday or Valentine cards)


Is this writer Open or Secretive?

Here is how to tell if the signature writer will be open or secretive.

As you read this remember that the signature shows the "on show" person, and if different from the rest of the writing, it does not necessarily reflect the real, deep down individual.

A loop on the right side of any circle letter shows secretiveness.

Circle letters are lower case "a", "o", the circle part of "d" and "g."

Where there is a loop on the right side of any of these letters, secretiveness exists.

Lack of loops = lack of secretiveness.

Openness is present when the circle letters are "clean", meaning they have no loops or hooks at all.

If secretiveness appears in, say, the first name and not in the last name, this would indicate that this person may be secretive on a very personal level, but more open about family.

It goes without saying, that if there are no circle letters in a name, then secretiveness or openness can not be identified.

Find out all about Signatures.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sensitivity to Criticism

Sensitivity to Criticism - how does it show in a signature?

The lower case "t" and "d" show sensitivity to criticism, and that goes for all writing, not just the signature.

Although the body of the writing is the "real" person and the signature the "on show" person, if sensitivity shows in the general writing, it will probably show in the signature as well.

If someone is genuinely sensitive to criticism, it is unlikely they will be able to dispel it in their public personna.

Of course, being sensitive to criticism and showing it are two different things. Here we are dealing only with feeling it.

Remembering that the first name is personal, the last name is family, it is interesting to see which shows more sensitivity, assuming both names have a "t" or a "d" in them.

The larger the loop the more the sensitivity to criticism.

Look for it. You'll be surprised what you find.

Find out all about signatures.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Legible vs illegible signature

What does a legible signature tell you (apart from the name of the writer) as opposed to an illegible signature?

Legible means the writer is interested in communicating, illegible means they are not.

If the body is legible, and the signature is not, then the writer considers it important the message be understood, but not anything about the writer.

If the whole things is illegible then no real communication has happened at all.

It is very unusual to find illegible script, followed by a legible signature but if it did occur, it would mean that the message the writer was sending was not important or for some reason they did not really want to send it or have it understood, but the identify of the writer was important.

Obviously, writing is a form of communication, and in communication being understood is of paramount importance. So in general, a legible script followed by a legible signature is the best communicaiton.

Find out all about signatures.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Obama's signature

Have you seen Obama's signature?

In the word "Obama" he writes the "b" to the long downstroke is encased in the capital "O".

This has a very significant meaning.

The last name is family (the first name is the individual).

Any covering or encasing in a form of protection.

So by writing the "b" partly encased in the "O", Obama is showing his strong protectionism for his family.

Find out all about signatures.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Large flourishing capitals on a signature

What does it mean when there are large flourishing capitals on a signature?

Large capitals are a sign of good self esteem ... until they become overly large. Then they become egotism.

So if the capitals are large, but within a reasonable proportion to the rest of the writing, good self esteem is shown.

If they are gigantic, and way out of proportion to the rest of the signature, then this is someone who is puffing themselves up unrealistically.

Find out more about signatures.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What to put in your signature

What to put in your signature! Is it best to write your full name? First and last names, plus middle initial? First initial and last name? Does which you do mean anything?

The less you write the less you are giving away in the way of information. When you write your first initial and last name only, you are giving away the bare minimum of information you can give in your signature, and for that reason it usually denotes a more formal approach.

Of course, if you write you signature 100 times a day, you probably want it to be as short as possible, so here we are considering what you would write if you only write your signature a few times a day, or less.

The first name written out in full followed by the last name shows someone who is more friendly and open. First name, middle initial and last name can be an indication of a bit more "show". It creates some importance the more names and initials you can put down.

However if you're name is John Smith, you might want to include your middle initial for purely practical reasons of identification, since there are probably few more John Smiths out there.

Women who use their maiden surname plus their husbands are showing independence in that they didn't give up their own name. Women who retain their maiden name alone are showing even more independence.

So, yes, what you put in your signature is significant. Consider how you want to come across as you sign your name next time.

Find out more about signatures.