Is your signature smaller than your writing? The same size? Or larger?
A signature smaller than the rest of the writing is someone who is hiding away, who doesn't want to be noticed. Why appear "smaller" or less noticeable than you really are? False modesty could be one reason, or someone who has some reason to want to brush by without attracting attention.
Signature larger than the writing is the opposite. This person wants to be noticed. They are presenting themselves as larger than life. They want attention and recognition. It may be part of the job - a salesman, a politician etc. Or it may just be a cry for attention.
The signature of the most genuine person is the one who's signature and writing look the same. Here I am, they say, like me or not, this is who I am, like me or not.
If you write your signature differently from your writing, take time to consider why you do this. There may be a good reason, or you may discover something about yourself you hadn't previously thought of.
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12 years ago