We were all taught to write at one time. We were taught a particular style, depending on where we were living. We copied from books and from the teacher's writing, trying our best to make our writing look the same.
Fine. But what age were you then?
Do you still do everything else as you had to do it then?
No, of course you don't.
You have taken over your own life, kept what fitted, and discarded or changed the rest.
And so it is with your writing.
If you still have strokes in your writing the same as you were taught as a child, you have them because they fit who you are as a a person. The ones that didn't fit, you have changed.
Remember, you are not looking at the style of writing, but at the specific strokes within the writing.
I have often been told by people that they still write this way because they were taught to do it this way. And yet, upon looking at their writing, I have yet to find an adult who writes exactly in any way taught in schools.
So don't just think "I was taught" and instead look deeper. Look at each individual stroke, and find out what really ticks inside you. The only person who genuinely writes exactly like your teacher is your teacher.
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